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Membership Agreement
Article 1 (Purpose)
These Terms and Conditions apply to the use of Internet related services (hereinafter referred to as "Services") provided by the IZEN IMPLANT e-Shop on IZEN IMPLANT’s webpage (hereinafter referred to as “Shop”) operated by IZEN IMPLANT Co., LTD Metropolitan Sales Division Rights, obligations and responsibilities. The terms of this Agreement shall apply mutatis mutandis to electronic transactions using PC communications, etc.

Article 2 (Definitions)
① "Shop" means a virtual business place where IZEN IMPLANT e-Shop is allowed to trade goods or services using information and communications facilities such as computers to provide goods or services to users, and means a business operator who operates a cyber Shop As well.
② "User" means a member who accesses the Shop and receives services provided by the Shop in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
③ The term "member" means a person who has provided personal information to the Shop and registered as a member, who is continuously provided with the information of the Shop, and who can continue to use the services provided by the Shop.

Article 3 (Specification and Amendment of Terms)
①Shop is the initial service screen of IZEN IMPLANT e-Shop so that the user can know the contents of this agreement and the name of the business office, the name of the representative, the business registration number, the contact (telephone, fax, e-mail address, Posted on the front).
② The Shop may amend these Terms and Conditions to the extent that it does not violate the relevant laws such as the Act on Regulations of the Terms of Use, the Basic Act on Electronic Commerce, the Digital Signature Act, the Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization Act.
③ When the Shop is amended, the applicable date and reason for amendment shall be specified and announced on the initial screen of the Shop together with the current terms from 7 days before the application date to the day before the application date.
④ If the Shop amends the terms, the amended terms will apply only to the contracts entered after the effective date of the amendment. However, if the user who has already entered into the contract wants to be subject to the provisions of the revised terms
If the Shop is sent to the Shop within the notice period of the amendment clause under Paragraph 3, the provisions of the amendment clause shall apply.
⑤ The matters not defined in these Terms and Conditions and the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the Electronic Commerce Consumer Protection Guideline and related laws or practices established by the government.

Article 4 (Provision and Change of Service)
① Shop performs the following tasks.
1. Provide information on goods or services and conclude purchase contracts
2. Delivery of the goods or services for which the purchase contract is concluded
3. Other duties designated by Shop
② The Shop may change the contents of goods or services to be provided by contracts to be concluded in the event of the sale of goods or the change of technical specifications. In this case, specify the content and date of the changed goods and services, and announce the contents of the current goods and services from the 7th day before the date of delivery.
③ The Shop will compensate the user for the damage caused by the change of the contents of the service contracted with the user for reasons such as the change of the goods or the technical specifications. However, this is not the case if there is no intention or negligence in the Shop.

Article 5 (Suspension of Service)
① The Shop may temporarily suspend the provision of services in the event of maintenance, replacement or breakdown of information and communication facilities such as computers, or interruption of communication.
② In case of discontinuance of service under Paragraph 1, Shop shall notify the user by the method set out in Article 8.
③ The Shop shall be compensated for damages incurred by the User or a third party due to temporary interruption in the provision of services due to Paragraph ①. However, this shall not apply if there is no intention or negligence in the Shop.

Article 6 (Membership)
① User submits membership information according to the registration form established by Shop and then signs up to agree to these terms and apply for membership.
② The Shop shall register as a member of the users who apply to join as a member as described in Paragraph 1 unless they fall under the following subparagraphs.
1. If the applicant has previously lost his / her membership pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Article 7 of this Agreement, he / she shall be a person who has passed three years after the loss of membership under Article 7 (3) Is obtained.
2. If there is false information, omissions, or errors in registration details
3. If it is judged that the registration of other members is significantly impeded by the technology of Shop
③ The time of establishment of membership contract is when the approval of Shop reaches the member.
④ If there is any change in the registration details pursuant to Article 15 (1), the member must notify the Shop about the change immediately by e-mail or other means.

Article 7 (Withdrawal of membership and loss of qualification)
① A member may request withdrawal at any time from the Shop, and the Shop immediately handles withdrawal from membership.
② If a member falls under any of the following, the Shop may limit and suspend membership.
1. If you registered false information at the time of application
2. If you do not pay on the due date for the purchase of goods or services purchased through the use of the Shop, or any other obligation of the Member in connection with the use of the Shop.
3. Threatening the electronic transaction order, such as interfering with the use of another person's Shop or stealing the information
4. When using the Shop to prohibit the laws and regulations, or to engage in acts that are contrary to public order and morals
③ Shop may lose membership if the same act is repeated more than once after the Shop restricts or suspends membership, or if the reason is not corrected within 30 days.
④ If the Shop loses the membership, the membership registration will be canceled. In this case, we will notify the member and give them the opportunity to call before the cancellation of membership registration.

Article 8 (Notice to Members)
① When the Shop notifies the member, it can be done by the e-mail address that the member submits to the Shop.
② Shop can be replaced by individual notice by posting on the Shop bulletin board for more than one week in case of notice to many unspecified members.

Article 9 (Application for Purchase)
Shop users apply for purchases on the Shop by the following methods.
1. Enter your name, address, and phone number
2. Selection of goods or services
3. Choice of payment method
4. Indication of acceptance of these terms

Article 10 (Establishment of Contract)
① The Shop agrees to the purchase application like Article 9 unless it falls under the following items.
1. If there is false information, omissions,
2. In the case where it is judged that the acceptance of the other purchase application is considerably hindering the Shop technology
② The consent of the Shop shall be deemed to have been established at the time when the consignee reaches the user in the form of acknowledgment notice in Article 12 (1).

Article 11 (Method of Payment)
The payment method for goods or services purchased at Shop may be one of the following

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Healing Abutment
  • Use Healing Abutment fits for the diameter of abutment.
  • Select specification fits for fixture connection.
  • Tighten with 1.2 Hex Driver by hand
  • Recommended tightening torque: 5~8Ncm
Cover Screw
  • Select appropriate fixture height upon depth of implant placement.
  • Select specification fits for fixture connection.
  • Tighten with 1.2 Hex Driver by hand
  • Recommended tightening torque: 5~8Ncm
Temporary Abutment
  • Abutment for manufacturing Screw-retained type temporary prosthesis
  • Select specification fits for fixture connection.
  • Fixture Level Impression
  • Tighten with 1.2 Hex Driver
  • Recommended tightening torque: 20Ncm
  • To order as a set as 'Abutment + Abutment Screw' :
    Product Code + S (ex: TARRH4010S)
Cemented Abutment
  • Abutment for manufacturing Cement/Combination-retained type prosthesis
  • Select specification fits for fixture connection.
  • Customized by grinding (need to be maintained at least 3.0mm of Abutment Length above Fixture Platform)
  • Fixture Level Impression
  • Tighten with 1.2 Hex Driver
  • Recommended tightening torque: 30Ncm
  • To order as a set as 'Abutment + Abutment Screw' :
    Product Code + S (ex: CARRH40205S)
Angled Abutment
  • Abutment for manufacturing Cement/Combination-retained type prosthesis
  • Various types of Angle (15º & 25º)
  • Select specification fits for fixture connection.
  • Fixture Level Impression
  • Can be positioned in 12 directions by selecting A or B type
  • Tighten with 1.2 Hex Driver
  • Recommended tightening torque: 30Ncm
  • To order as a set as 'Abutment + Abutment Screw' :
    Product Code + S (ex: AARRA40152S)
FreeMilling Abutment
  • Abutment for manufacturing Cement/Combination-retained type prosthesis
  • Used when creating free marginal space for Abutment
  • Select specification fits for fixture connection.
  • Customized by grinding (need to be maintained at least 3.0mm of Abutment Length above Fixture Platform)
  • Fixture Level Impression
  • Tighten with 1.2 Hex Driver
  • Recommended tightening torque: 30Ncm
  • To order as a set as 'Abutment + Abutment Screw' :
    Product Code + S (ex: FMARRH40209S)
CCM Cast Abutment
  • Abutment for manufacturing customized abutment in difficult and complicated cases
  • Select specification fits for fixture connection.
  • Fixture Level Impression
  • Casting with non-precious alloy for manufacturing customized prosthesis
  • Melting point of CCM: 1,400 ~ 1,550℃
  • Tighten with 1.2 Hex Driver
  • Recommended tightening torque: 30Ncm
  • To order as a set as 'Abutment + Abutment Screw' :
    Product Code + S (ex: CCARRH4010S)
Multi Straight Abutment
  • Abutment for manufacturing screw-retained prosthesis in Multiple Case
  • Same platform as Multi Angled Abutment
  • Move into internal oral part by using exclusive Abutment Carrier (Code: MSACR48)
  • Tighten with exclusive driver (Code: MSADSR20)
  • Recommended tightening torque: 30Ncm
  • To order as a set as 'Abutment + Carrier' :
    Product Code + S (ex: MSARR4815S)
Multi Angled Abutment
  • Abutment for manufacturing screw-retained prosthesis in Multiple Case
  • Abutment of various angles (17º, 30º) for various angled of implant insertion path
  • Same platform as Multi Straight Abutment
  • Compensation of fixture placement angle up to 108º
  • Connect by using exclusive Abutment Carrier (Code: MAACRMC)
  • Tighten with 1.2 Hex driver
  • Recommended tightening torque: 30Ncm
  • Angled Abutment Screw (MAASRR20) included
  • To order as a set as 'Abutment + Carrier':
    Product Code + S (ex: MAARRH481725S)
Components of Multi Abutment
  • Three kinds of cylinder component for Multi Abutments
  • Multi Healing Cap
Ball Abutment
  • Abutment for overdenture using O-ring attachment
  • Compensation of mounting angle up to 20º
  • Tighten with exclusive Ball Abutment Driver (Code: BAD24)
  • Recommended tightening torque: 30Ncm
Components of Ball Abutment
  • Ball Abutment Cap Set & Ball Abutment Retainer Set
  • 5 ea of O-ring are composed with a Ball Abutment O-ring Set
Kerator Abutment
  • Compensation of fixture placement up to 40º
  • 1.5mm lower vertifical dimension
  • Composition of multiple attachments with stable retention
  • Connect with exclusive driver
  • Recommended tightening torque: 30Ncm
Kerator Angled Abutment
  • 1.5mm lower vertifical dimension
  • Composition of multiple attachments with stable retention
  • Connect with 1.2 Hex driver
  • Recommended tightening torque: 30Ncm
Components of Kerator Abutment
  • CDPH Set: White spacer / Denture Cap & Three kinds of Male Cap (Red, Blue, Pink)
  • Seven kinds of Male Cap, according to the retention
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